
Squatch Films



The Flip Flop Flippin' Trilogy

Join filmmaker Scott “Squatch” Herriott in Flip Flop Flippin’ as he attempts to hike the entire 2,100+ mile-long Appalachian Trail in one hiking season while simultaneously searching for the interesting, inspiring, sometimes whacked-out and always dirt-laden folk who make up the long-distance hiking community. Spoiler Alert- he didn’t make it all 2,100+ miles in one season. Enjoy Flip Flop Flippin’ 2 and Flip Flop Flipped for more encounters with eccentric and dedicated characters, his toughest miles to date in New Hampshire & Maine and an unexpected medical malady. Ohhh the suspense!

Flip Flop Flippin’

Flip Flop Flippin' is dedicated to my generous Kickstarter backers:

Miguel “Virgo” Aguilar
Richard “Cuppa Joe” Ahlf
Joe & Terrie Anderson
Lori Andrews
Dayla “Doodlebug” Austin
Jim Banks
Caitlin “Blue Sky” Barale
Bipolarstroller & Crumbsnatcher
Jim Boatwright
Jason “Space Cowboy” Bobier
Jason & Cassandra Boyes
Darcy Brinker
Brian Brown
Eli & Julia Burakian
Casey “Smart, Spiritual Businessman” Burnett
Mike Caudill
Ryan “Prodeal” Christensen
Laura Mead Clapper
Joel “Mojave” Clark
Lon “Halfmile” Cooper
Garrett “Ducky” Cotham
Brandon “Lil’ Wrangler” Covey
Rick Dean
Michelle “Peeps” Derry
Matthew “Iceman” Dina
Andrea & Jerry Dinsmore
David Dobrzynski
John Patrick Douglas
Sean “Leprecaun” Dowd
Michele & Kevin Duggan
Alix “Breeze” Eastman
Matthew “Iceaxe” Edwards
Jeff Eltringham
Erik the Black
Robert “The Hobo” Evans
Family Belchigator
Ray Fitch
Amy “MrsJoy” Forinash
Randy “Redwood” Forsland
Kevin “Fester” Gallagher
Russell Garner
Rich Glasgow
Marie Haddad
“Redneck Rye” Hamler
Sam Haraldson
Will Hardy
Scott “Buck Larceny” Heeschen
Todd Hein
Ma & Pa Herriott
Lisa Hickson
Denise “Ladybug” Hill
Matt Hornsby
Greg “Strider” Hummel
“Uncle Tom” Jamrog
Linda “Gottago” Jeffers
Matt Jensen
Lauren “Gazelle” Jerd
Jennifer Jones
Justin Kazmark
Dave Keagle
Brenda “Happy” Kerr
Karen “Rockstar” Keller
Karen “Special K” Keller
Sue “Hatchet Jack” Kettles
Chris Konsowitz
Mitchell Dean Lane
Gary Larsen
Jason “Ganj” Lee
Rick Levine
Jim Lynch
Barney “Scout” Mann
Jennifer Martin
Jenny and Richard McFarlane
Will McGreevy
Erin Meadows
Wesley Millar
Eddi “Vegematic” Minche
Devin Montgomery
Tom “Grey Fox” Moose
Ron “You’re the Idiot” Morey
John “MeToo” Mummert
Brenda “Sqwiggle” Murray
Matt Murray
Anna O’Leary
Renee “She-ra” Patrick
Jim “PITA” Payne
Chris “Krispy” Peckham
Dennis Phelan
Allison Pickard
Rob “Bearcant” Rathmann
Robert “Ninja Rob” Reeves
Melissa “T-Rex”Rexilius
Jonathan Richardson
Judy Roy
Kathleen “Laminay Trap” Salmon
Chris “Freefall” Sanderson
Alison “Laces” Scheiderer
Erin von Schonfeldt
Joseph “Shrek” Shelley
Christopher Robin “PuckFu” Sholes
Carl “Kelty Kid” Siechert
Shelly Skye
Slow Down & Taper Off
Christopher Snow
Splash Terri
Melissa “T-Rex” Rexilius
Heather Tilert
Tim Todd
Michelle Turley
Mark Verber
Kathy Walter
Adam Weesner
Aaron Winner
Julie “Tourist” Wroblewski
Natasha “Burn” Wyatt
Jennette “Nightengale” Zmach

“Flip Flop Flippin’ is a GREAT film that captures the AT experience from mostly the hiker’s perspective.  Squatch, you have beaten National Geographic on quality, substance, humor and human interest.”

Greg “Strider” Hummel – PCT ’77

“It is an amazing documentary – two thumbs up – worthy of recognition and the cult following it will undoubtedly generate.”

Tony Ronco

“I really love this movie. It was a perspective I could not get by hiking one direction. You have most definitely captured the essence of the AT and the most important part: the people!”

Matthew “Iceaxe” Edwards – Triple Crowner

Flip Flop Flippin’ 2

Big THANKS to my generous Flip Flop Flippin' 2 Kickstarter backers:

Jim “Geek” Adams
John Alden
Andy Allen
Rhys Asplundh
Richard Bazley
Lori Bissell
Jason “Space Cowboy” Bobier
Jason & Cassandra Boyes
Ron Brizendine
Brian Brown
Ed Capuano
Elizabeth Chaplin
Brendan A. Clark
C nugget
The Croatian Sensation
Rick Dean
Andrea & Jerry Dinsmore
Michele & Kevin Duggan
Jeff Eltringham
Jason Emerick
Charlie “Truckin'” Erdman
Ray Fitch
Dave “noworries” Forbes
Bryan “BooBoo” Garcia
Russ Garner
Kim “SOL” Geisreiter
Ash Grimmett
Tom H.
Redneck Rye Hamler
Carl Hancock
Sharon Hanson
Sam Haraldson
Neville Harris
Brion Hassler
Robert Hayes
Scott “Buck Larceny” Heeschen
Ma & Pa Herriott
Lisa Hickson
Matt Hornsby
Lauren “Gazelle” Jerd
Casey Jones
Mark Jones
Mike Kauchak
Scott Koppes
Gary Larsen
Pete Lazar
Aaron Leavy
Sherry “Turtlefeet” Leitner
Steve Lemay
Kevin Linebarger
Andrea Ludden
John Mason-Hill
Spencer McKay
Will “Happy Feet” McNulty
Josh “Gesh” Meier
Tom “Grey Fox” Moose
Angelica “Honey Badger” Mora
Katie “Guinness” Moser
Matt Murray
Ben “Smooth” Newkirk
Anna O’Leary
Jim “PITA” Payne
Dennis Phelan
Craig Phillips
Dirk Rabdau
Rob “Bearcant” Rathmann
Renee “Shera” Patrick
James Rester
Tony Ronco
Seth Ronning
Paul Rose
Zachary Rueth
Melissa Russell
Fred Schippa
Erin Von Schonfeldt
Deborah “Moxie” Schwartz
Natasha Sherman
Matt Shoemaker
Carl “Kelty Kid” Siechert
Burt Smith
Michael Smith
Kerry “Scribbles” Smithwick
Splash Terri
Start Slow & Taper Off
Don Stuart
Michelle Turley
Uncle Tom
Mikhail Ushanov
Eric Valentine
Adam Varga
Paul Vella
Martin Weiner
Heather “Steady” Werderman
Ruth Weston
Jim Wiigs
Krystal “Bumble B” Williams
Scott “Schroomer” Williams
Aaron Winner
Chris “Detour” Young

“It’s the best AT documentary I’ve seen, and you know how obsessed I am!”
Tom Moose, author of “Only the Things that Matter (yet another Appalachian Trail memoir)”

“Had to watch again. Awesome!”

Mark Jones


“Those people are having way too much fun!”

Peggy Pings

Flip Flop Flipped

Dedicated to my generous Kickstarter backers. THANK YOU!:

Thomas “Radar” Baker
Caitlin “Blue Sky” Barale
Rich Barth
Richard Bazley
Jason Boyes
Mike Caudill
Elisabeth “LoveNote” Chaplin
Brendan A. Clark
Joel “Mojave” Clark
Greg Cullison
Melanie “Rain Queen” DeMoss
Matt “Iceman” Dina
Michele & Kevin Duggan
Amy “Mrs. Joy” Forinash
John & Montra Freitas
Tom H.
Redneck Rye Hamler
Greg Hammond
Christopher Hansen
Sharon Hanson
Happy & Bad Moon
Sam Haraldson
Will Hardy
Tim Hart
Sean Hiker
Denise “Ladybug” Hill
Caroline “Karaoke” Hinchliff
Matt Hornsby
Hudson & Big Lu
Thomas “Uncle Tom” Jamrog
Lauren “Gazelle” Jerd
Andy Johns
Mark Jones
Jennifer Jones
Wylie “Crazy Horse” Jones
Elana Kehoe
Kimberly “Neema” Kennedy
Sue “Hatchet Jack” Kettles
Steven Kovacic
Mitchell Dean Lane
Julie Leif
Steve Lemay
Mike Levine
Lil’ Wrangler
Kevin Linebarger
Andrea Ludden
Barney & Sandy Mann
John Mason-Hill
Mick McBride
Laura McMeekin
Erin Meadows
Tom “Grey Fox” Moose
Angelica “Honey Badger” Mora
Ron “Get the cable!” Morey
Rick “Slider” Nooft
Anna O’Leary
Lori “Passionflower” Overton
Dennis Phelan
Chad “Stick” Poindexter
James Rester
Jerry Riedel
Jonathan Richardson
Matt “Boomer” Romero
Zachary Rueth
Kathleen “Sweet Kathleen” Salmon
Erin “Wired” Saver
Andy “Fuu” Schmidt
Matthias Schoger
Vicky Schulman
Deborah “Moxie” Schwartz
Matt Shoemaker
Carl “Kelty Kid” Siechert
Rebekah Sisk
Burt Smith
Kerry “Scribbles” Smith
Michael Smith
Jonathan Spangler
Splash Terri
Sheila Tawney-Pearson
Paul Vella
Fritz Ward
Curtis Ware
Heather “Steady” Werderman
Jim Wiigs
Aaron Winner

I love Scott Herriott’s movies. Flip Flop Flipped takes you on an adventure of a true hikers experience of the Appalachian Trail. Whimsical and beautiful. You’ll want to pack your backpack after this one.”

Thru-hiker Kirsten Dotzler

“Gives me AT Hiking fever!”

Kerry Smithwick

Get a great Flippin' deal when you buy more than one film!