Between ’03 and ’08 I hiked the Pacific Crest Trail, a national scenic trail stretching from Mexico through the Western U.S. and up to Canada. In the process I shot four films about my adventures and the inspiring, funny, smart and crazy folk who embark on such a journey. Filled with delights, personal triumphs, pitfalls and excruciating half hours.

Official selection of the Malibu, Greenwich and Olympia Film Festivals, “Walk” tells the story of when, from late April to early Oct. of 2003, I tracked down over 100 intrepid/insane souls who were in the middle of committing a half year of their lives attempting to trek the Pacific Crest Trail…one of the world’s most geographically diverse paths that winds from the Mexican border in California up to the Canadian border in/out of Washington state. Along the way I learned of motivations, how regular folk smell to long-distance hikers, and, surprisingly, that hawks sometimes attack unsuspecting adventurers. Most of the walkers have trail names like Lugnut, Batteries Included and So Far (who deemed most of those who attempt the hike as Bohemian Masochists). For Potato Picker, it’s his second long-distance hike and since he enjoyed his “…first mid-life crisis so much…” he thought he’d have another. I also learned of the beloved stops that these trekkers congregate at…including Kennedy Meadows General Store (the beginning of the much loved and feared High Sierra), Seiad Valley Cafe (home to an infamous Pancake Challenge that few have conquered), and Pooh Corner (a house where a retired husband and wife (Trail Angels) allow the tired and the filthy to hang out for a day or two and climb their indoor rock wall if they so desire). If you love the outdoors and wry humor, this is a must for your collection.
Still Walking

In this follow-up to “Walk” I return to the Pacific Crest Trail to find out what tales the Class of ’05 have to tell…including some involving salt-crazed deer, a rescued baby falcon and yet another possible Bigfoot encounter. I also revisit members of the Class of ’03 to see what they’re up to now…including the wedding of Belcher and Navigator who tie the knot at, what else but, Camp Belchigator. Over 100 interviews, beautiful scenery and a longer hike this time as I meander my way down the northern third of Oregon interviewing those I’d talked to earlier in the year. Naturally, I get lost, run into three equally stray hunting dogs replete with radio collars and generally have a helluva good time.
Even More Walking
In this third installment of the “Walk” series I do my biggest mile count yet in a single year (’06) on the PCT…over 700+ spread out in Calif., Ore. & Washington. Yowza. As a result, I run into more hikers, trail angels & others who love the truly unique sub-culture of the PCT. With more music, more humor, and more on-trail scenery this time around! As was the case with “Still Walking”, we see how some of the hikers in the previous films are now doing (e.g. Scott Williamson, Yogi, Nabor J). An awesome addition to the previous two films.
In this, perhaps final, follow-up to “Walk”, “Still Walking” & “Even More Walking”, I attempt to hike the remaining 1,700+ miles un-trekked on the Pacific Crest Trail…a 2,658+ mile long path that winds from the Calif./Mexican border all the way up to the Wash./Canadian border. Favorite trekkers from the previous films (Teatree, Nabor J, Roni from Israel, etc.) are interviewed to see what they’ve been up to along with well over 100 new faces who attempt to conquer one of the world’s most geographically diverse paths. Oh, and there’s some pretty scenery and, as expected, some riveting Bigfoot discussion. And eight and a half minutes of Extras included this time!