Squatch Films



Wayfaring 'A Jaunt Along the Camino de Santiago'

Join filmmaker Scott “Squatch” Herriott on his journey along the Camino de Santiago in 2013. After tackling wilderness trails in the U.S., Herriott goes international. Yowza.

Dedicated to my generous backers who funded this film via…THANKS!

Roman Ackl
Jerry “Grasshopper” Adams
Andy Allen
Bearded Woods (Hudson & Big Lu)
Greg Bemis
Jarod Bobersky
Jason “Space Cowboy” Bobier
Brian Brown
Elizabeth “Lovenote” Chaplin
Toby “Leap Year” Cheman
Garret “The Onion” Christensen
Brendan A. Clark
Garrett “Ducky” Cotham
Cameron Derbyshire
Matthew “Iceman” Dina
Andrea & Jerry Dinsmore
Michele & Kevin Duggan
Robert A. Dunn
Jeff Eltringham
Ray Fitch
Kevin “Fester” Gallagher
Russell Garner

Lawton “Disco” Grinter
Christie Hagenburger
Christopher Hansen
Greg Hammond
Scott “Buck Larceny” Heeschen
Todd Hein
John-Michael Hernandez
Georgi “Firefly” Heitman
Jeff Hester
Lisa Hickson
Corey Hodgdon
Tom “Bigfoot” Holz
Uncle Tom Jamrog
Linda “Gottago” Jeffers
Lauren “Gazelle” Jerd
Mark Jones
Mike Kauchak
Cindy Kava
JJ Keener
Karen “Rockstar” Keller
Sue Kettles

Mitchell Dean Lane
Gary Larsen
Stephen Lemay
Mike Levine
Brian Lewis
Kevin Linebarger
The Luddens
Paul “Mags” Magnanti
John Mason-Hill
Matthew McKendry
Tom “Greyfox” Moose
Yolie Moreno
Caroline Morse
Nicole Odekirk
Anna O’Leary
Lori “Passionflower” Overton
Bill Payne
Dennis Phelan
Dirk Rabdau
Rob “Bearcant” Rathmann
James Rester

Melissa “T-Rex” Rexilius
Samuel Rich
Jerry Riedel
Erin “Wired” Saver
Deborah “Moxie” Schwartz
Rodney Scott
Matt Shoemaker
Jerry Smith
Burt Smith
Michael Smith
Splash Terri
Charlie Tomberg
Paul Vella
Jason “Nabor J” Waicunas
Kathy Walter
Fritz Ward
Brian D. Watt
Ruth Weston
Jim Wiigs
Scott “Schroomer” Williams
Aaron Winner
Julie “Tourist” Wroblewski
Pat Yoon